diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 8f94e4e06fe6f80621aceb2a9c52197c2021a99f..659880c5327815c2c7626060f1086af09d5a6e94 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -6,10 +6,10 @@ Requirements:
 - OrfeoToolBox python API installed
-pip install pyotb
+pip install pyotb --upgrade
-For Python>=3.6, latest version available is pyotb 1.3. For Python 3.5, latest version available is pyotb 1.2.2
+For Python>=3.6, latest version available is pyotb 1.3.1. For Python 3.5, latest version available is pyotb 1.2.2
 ## Quickstart: running an OTB app as a oneliner
 pyotb has been written so that it is more convenient to run an application in Python.
@@ -287,8 +287,35 @@ Advantages :
 - Can be integrated in OTB pipelines
 Limitations :
-- It is not possible to use the tensorflow python API inside a script where OTBTF is used because of compilation issues between Tensorflow and OTBTF
-- It is currently not possible to chain several `@pyotb.run_tf_function` functions
+- It is not possible to use the tensorflow python API inside a script where OTBTF is used because of compilation issues 
+between Tensorflow and OTBTF, i.e. `import tensorflow` doesn't work in a script where pyotb has been imported
+## Some examples
+### Compute the mean of several rasters, taking into account NoData
+Let's consider we have at disposal 73 NDVI rasters and their 73 binary cloud masks (where cloud is 1 and clear pixel is 0), corresponding to 73 dates of a year.
+Goal: compute the temporal mean (keeping the spatial dimension) of the NDVIs, excluding cloudy pixels. Piece of code to achieve that:
+import pyotb
+masks = [pyotb.Input(path) for path in mask_paths]
+# For each pixel location, summing all valid NDVI values 
+summed = sum([pyotb.where(mask != 1, ndvi, 0) for mask, ndvi in zip(masks, ndvi_paths)])
+# Printing the generated BandMath expression
+print(summed.exp)  # this returns a very long exp: (0 + ((im1b1 != 1) ? im2b1 : 0)) + ((im3b1 != 1) ? im4b1 : 0)) + ... + ((im145b1 != 1) ? im146b1 : 0)))
+# For each pixel location, getting the count of valid pixels
+count = sum([pyotb.where(mask == 1, 0, 1) for mask in masks])
+mean = summed / count  # BandMath exp of this is very long: (0 + ((im1b1 != 1) ? im2b1 : 0)) + ... + ((im145b1 != 1) ? im146b1 : 0))) / (0 + ((im1b1 == 1) ? 0 : 1)) + ((im3b1 == 1) ? 0 : 1)) + ... + ((im145b1 == 1) ? 0 : 1)))
+Note that no actual computation is executed before the last line where the result is written to disk.
diff --git a/pyotb/apps.py b/pyotb/apps.py
index c0b7019f00fce3984b6509ab569a50a6dc7ee41d..70b924782e422f29acecc9ea32b57bc6d2c5e613 100644
--- a/pyotb/apps.py
+++ b/pyotb/apps.py
@@ -83,6 +83,26 @@ class {name}(App):
     def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
         super().__init__('{name}', *args, **kwargs)
-# Here we could customize the template and overwrite special methods depending on application
+    # Default behavior for any OTB application
+    # Customize the behavior for TensorflowModelServe application. The user doesn't need to set the env variable
+    # `OTB_TF_NSOURCES`, it is handled in pyotb
+    if _app == 'TensorflowModelServe':
+        class TensorflowModelServe(App):
+            def set_nb_sources(self, *args, n_sources=None):
+                """
+                Set the number of sources of TensorflowModelServe. Can be either user-defined or deduced from the args
+                """
+                if n_sources:
+                    os.environ['OTB_TF_NSOURCES'] = str(int(n_sources))
+                else:
+                    # Retrieving the number of `source#.il` parameters
+                    params_dic = {k: v for arg in args if isinstance(arg, dict) for k, v in arg.items()}
+                    n_sources = len([k for k in params_dic if k.startswith('source') and k.endswith('.il')])
+                    os.environ['OTB_TF_NSOURCES'] = str(n_sources)
+            def __init__(self, *args, n_sources=None, **kwargs):
+                self.set_nb_sources(*args, n_sources=n_sources)
+                super().__init__('TensorflowModelServe', *args, **kwargs)
diff --git a/pyotb/core.py b/pyotb/core.py
index cb74243294c7b88b01f66bd83791c22f7e3916a4..5110218a5811fced248398091483460744257623 100644
--- a/pyotb/core.py
+++ b/pyotb/core.py
@@ -915,10 +915,8 @@ def get_nbchannels(inp):
             info = App("ReadImageInfo", inp, otb_stdout=False)
             nb_channels = info.GetParameterInt("numberbands")
-        except (RuntimeError, TypeError) as e:
-            logger.error(f'Not a valid image : {inp}')
-            logger.error(f'{e}')
-            nb_channels = None
+        except Exception:  # this happens when we pass a str that is not a filepath
+            raise TypeError(f'Could not get the number of channels of `{inp}`. Not a filepath or wrong filepath')
     return nb_channels
diff --git a/pyotb/functions.py b/pyotb/functions.py
index 6ad8bf224382d4c504bf372e80686f362435cad6..e3bf12ed432430627cf3d05fafd6f851671abd3a 100644
--- a/pyotb/functions.py
+++ b/pyotb/functions.py
@@ -1,8 +1,10 @@
 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+import inspect
 import os
+import sys
+import textwrap
 import uuid
 import logging
-import multiprocessing
 from collections import Counter
 from .core import (App, Input, Operation, logicalOperation, get_nbchannels)
@@ -321,7 +323,7 @@ def define_processing_area(*args, window_rule='intersection', pixel_size_rule='m
 def run_tf_function(func):
-    This decorator enables using a function that calls some TF operations, with pyotb object as inputs.
+    This function enables using a function that calls some TF operations, with pyotb object as inputs.
     For example, you can write a function that uses TF operations like this :
@@ -335,68 +337,98 @@ def run_tf_function(func):
     :param func: function taking one or several inputs and returning *one* output
     :return wrapper: a function that returns a pyotb object
+    try:
+        from .apps import TensorflowModelServe
+    except ImportError:
+        raise Exception('Could not run Tensorflow function: failed to import TensorflowModelServe. Check that you '
+                        'have OTBTF configured (https://github.com/remicres/otbtf#how-to-install)')
-    def create_and_save_tf_model(output_dir, *inputs):
+    def get_tf_pycmd(output_dir, channels, scalar_inputs):
-        Simply creates the TF model and save it to temporary location.
-        //!\\ Currently incompatible with OTBTF, to be run inside a multiprocessing.Process
-        //!\\ Does not work if OTBTF has been used previously in the script
+        Create a string containing all python instructions necessary to create and save the Keras model
         :param output_dir: directory under which to save the model
-        :param inputs: a list of pyotb objects or int/float
+        :param channels: list of raster channels (int). Contain `None` entries for non-raster inputs
+        :param scalar_inputs: list of scalars (int/float). Contain `None` entries for non-scalar inputs
-        import tensorflow as tf
-        # Change the raster inputs to TF inputs
-        model_inputs = []  # model inputs corresponding to rasters
-        tf_inputs = []  # inputs for the TF function corresponding to all inputs (rasters, int...)
-        for input in inputs:
-            if not isinstance(input, (int, float)):
-                nb_bands = input.shape[-1]
-                input = tf.keras.Input((None, None, nb_bands))
-                model_inputs.append(input)
-            tf_inputs.append(input)
-        # call the TF operations on theses inputs
-        output = func(*tf_inputs)
+        # Getting the string definition of the tf function (e.g. "def multiply(x1, x2):...")
+        # TODO: maybe not entirely foolproof, maybe we should use dill instead? but it would add a dependency
+        func_def_str = inspect.getsource(func)
+        func_name = func.__name__
+        create_and_save_model_str = func_def_str
+        # Adding the instructions to create the model and save it to output dir
+        create_and_save_model_str += textwrap.dedent(f"""
+            import tensorflow as tf
-        # Create and save the .pb model
-        model = tf.keras.Model(inputs=model_inputs, outputs=output)
-        model.save(output_dir)
+            model_inputs = []
+            tf_inputs = []
+            for channel, scalar_input in zip({channels}, {scalar_inputs}):
+                if channel:
+                    input = tf.keras.Input((None, None, channel))
+                    tf_inputs.append(input)
+                    model_inputs.append(input)
+                else:
+                    if isinstance(scalar_input, int):  # TF doesn't like mixing float and int
+                        scalar_input = float(scalar_input)
+                    tf_inputs.append(scalar_input)
+            output = {func_name}(*tf_inputs)
+            # Create and save the .pb model
+            model = tf.keras.Model(inputs=model_inputs, outputs=output)
+            model.save("{output_dir}")
+            """)
+        return create_and_save_model_str
     def wrapper(*inputs, tmp_dir='/tmp'):
-        For the user point of view, this function simply applies some TF operations to some rasters.
-        Underlyingly, it saveq a .pb model that describe the TF operations, then creates an OTB ModelServe application
-        that applies this .pb model to the actual inputs.
+        For the user point of view, this function simply applies some TensorFlow operations to some rasters.
+        Underlyingly, it saves a .pb model that describe the TF operations, then creates an OTB ModelServe application
+        that applies this .pb model to the inputs.
         :param inputs: a list of pyotb objects, filepaths or int/float numbers
         :param tmp_dir: directory where temporary models can be written
         :return: a pyotb object, output of TensorFlowModelServe
-        # Change potential string filepaths to pyotb objects
-        inputs = [Input(input) if isinstance(input, str) and not isinstance(input, (int, float)) else input for input in
-                  inputs]
-        # Create and save the model. This is executed **inside an independent process** because (as of 2021-11),
+        # Get infos about the inputs
+        channels = []
+        scalar_inputs = []
+        raster_inputs = []
+        for input in inputs:
+            try:
+                # this is for raster input
+                channel = get_nbchannels(input)
+                channels.append(channel)
+                scalar_inputs.append(None)
+                raster_inputs.append(input)
+            except Exception:
+                # this is for other inputs (float, int)
+                channels.append(None)
+                scalar_inputs.append(input)
+        # Create and save the model. This is executed **inside an independent process** because (as of 2022-03),
         # tensorflow python library and OTBTF are incompatible
         out_savedmodel = os.path.join(tmp_dir, f'tmp_otbtf_model_{uuid.uuid4()}')
-        p = multiprocessing.Process(target=create_and_save_tf_model, args=(out_savedmodel, *inputs,))
-        p.start()
-        p.join()
-        # Getting the nb of inputs and setting it for OTBTF
-        raster_inputs = [input for input in inputs if not isinstance(input, (int, float))]
-        nb_model_inputs = len(raster_inputs)
-        os.environ['OTB_TF_NSOURCES'] = str(nb_model_inputs)
-        # Run the OTBTF model serving application
-        model_serve = App('TensorflowModelServe',
-                          {'model.dir': out_savedmodel,
-                           'optim.disabletiling': 'on', 'model.fullyconv': 'on'}, execute=False)
+        pycmd = get_tf_pycmd(out_savedmodel, channels, scalar_inputs)
+        cmd_args = [sys.executable, "-c", pycmd]
+        try:
+            import subprocess
+            subprocess.run(cmd_args, env=os.environ, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
+        except subprocess.SubprocessError:
+            logger.debug("Failed to call subprocess")
+        if not os.path.isdir(out_savedmodel):
+            logger.info("Failed to save the model")
+        # Initialize the OTBTF model serving application
+        model_serve = TensorflowModelServe({'model.dir': out_savedmodel, 'optim.disabletiling': 'on',
+                                            'model.fullyconv': 'on'}, n_sources=len(raster_inputs), execute=False)
+        # Set parameters and execute
         for i, input in enumerate(raster_inputs):
             model_serve.set_parameters({f'source{i + 1}.il': [input]})
         # TODO: handle the deletion of the temporary model ?
diff --git a/setup.py b/setup.py
index 5c78ce9a3336dfb238dc817badb9d35db127cc92..81f33668809440f69c9bba89ce3336f2f924a737 100644
--- a/setup.py
+++ b/setup.py
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ with open("README.md", "r", encoding="utf-8") as fh:
-    version="1.3",
+    version="1.3.1",
     author="Nicolas Narçon",
     description="Library to enable easy use of the Orfeo Tool Box (OTB) in Python",