From e7c468bd679066d5336a899e47af56d7cdcd2343 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Julien Touchais <>
Date: Tue, 28 May 2024 14:28:59 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 1/3] fix(linear-sequence): :bug: conditional ref not working
 in built app

using v-if/v-else directives instead to produce a clearly different element when referencing is needed
 src/components/SequenceBoard.vue | 64 ++++++++++++++++++++------------
 1 file changed, 41 insertions(+), 23 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/components/SequenceBoard.vue b/src/components/SequenceBoard.vue
index 284c027..4bb8ace 100644
--- a/src/components/SequenceBoard.vue
+++ b/src/components/SequenceBoard.vue
@@ -700,33 +700,51 @@ const deleteHoveredHighlightedGroup = (
         class="relative z-10 mr-4 mt-8 whitespace-nowrap"
         :style="{ width: `${nucleotideGroupsSize * 1.5}rem` }"
-        <span
+        <template
           v-for="(nucleotide, nucleotideIndex) in sequenceGroup"
-          :ref="
-            isHighlightedGroupBoundary(
-              nucleotideIndex + groupIndex * nucleotideGroupsSize + 1
-            )
-              ? 'boxBoundaryElements'
-              : ''
-          "
-          :data-position="
-            nucleotideIndex + groupIndex * nucleotideGroupsSize + 1
-          "
-          :class="[
-            'mx-[.0625rem] border-2 border-transparent px-0.5 pt-0.5',
-            isInAnyHighlightedGroup(
+        >
+          <span
+            v-if="
+              isHighlightedGroupBoundary(
+                nucleotideIndex + groupIndex * nucleotideGroupsSize + 1
+              )
+            "
+            ref="boxBoundaryElements"
+            :data-position="
               nucleotideIndex + groupIndex * nucleotideGroupsSize + 1
-            ) && [
-              `text-${composeHighlightedPositionColor(
+            "
+            :class="[
+              'mx-[.0625rem] border-2 border-transparent px-0.5 pt-0.5',
+              isInAnyHighlightedGroup(
                 nucleotideIndex + groupIndex * nucleotideGroupsSize + 1
-              )}-600`,
-              'modification font-semibold'
-            ]
-          ]"
-        >
-          {{ nucleotide }}
-        </span>
+              ) && [
+                `text-${composeHighlightedPositionColor(
+                  nucleotideIndex + groupIndex * nucleotideGroupsSize + 1
+                )}-600`,
+                'modification font-semibold'
+              ]
+            ]"
+          >
+            {{ nucleotide }}
+          </span>
+          <span
+            v-else
+            :class="[
+              'mx-[.0625rem] border-2 border-transparent px-0.5 pt-0.5',
+              isInAnyHighlightedGroup(
+                nucleotideIndex + groupIndex * nucleotideGroupsSize + 1
+              ) && [
+                `text-${composeHighlightedPositionColor(
+                  nucleotideIndex + groupIndex * nucleotideGroupsSize + 1
+                )}-600`,
+                'modification font-semibold'
+              ]
+            ]"
+          >
+            {{ nucleotide }}
+          </span>
+        </template>

From 442e27eacc752ecb80a7f5890b3c0e78d753ea3b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Julien Touchais <>
Date: Tue, 28 May 2024 14:33:37 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 2/3] fix(interaction-viz): :bug: conditional ref not working
 in built app

use same strategy as in SequenceBoard (e7c468bd), + remove useless id
 src/components/InteractionCardCD.vue   | 30 +++++++++++----------
 src/components/InteractionCardHACA.vue | 37 +++++++++++---------------
 2 files changed, 32 insertions(+), 35 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/components/InteractionCardCD.vue b/src/components/InteractionCardCD.vue
index d8bbf9f..3bc3374 100644
--- a/src/components/InteractionCardCD.vue
+++ b/src/components/InteractionCardCD.vue
@@ -988,21 +988,23 @@ const SVGDimensions = computed(() => ({
           style="transform: translateY(0.5rem)"
-          <tspan
-            v-for="(nucleotide, index) in'')"
-            :id="index === modificationPositionInDuplex ? 'modif-letter' : ''"
-            :ref="
-              index === modificationPositionInDuplex
-                ? 'modificationElement'
-                : ''
-            "
-            :key="index"
-            :class="{
-              'fill-transparent': index === modificationPositionInDuplex
-            }"
+          <template
+            v-for="(
+              nucleotide, nucleotideIndex
+            ) in'')"
+            :key="nucleotideIndex"
-            {{ nucleotide }}
-          </tspan>
+            <tspan
+              v-if="nucleotideIndex === modificationPositionInDuplex"
+              ref="modificationElement"
+              class="fill-transparent"
+            >
+              {{ nucleotide }}
+            </tspan>
+            <tspan v-else>
+              {{ nucleotide }}
+            </tspan>
+          </template>
diff --git a/src/components/InteractionCardHACA.vue b/src/components/InteractionCardHACA.vue
index a5d7631..ee74ab4 100644
--- a/src/components/InteractionCardHACA.vue
+++ b/src/components/InteractionCardHACA.vue
@@ -1766,31 +1766,26 @@ const SVGDimensions = computed(() => ({
-          <tspan
+          <template
             v-for="(nucleotide, nucleotideIndex) in
-            :id="
-              nucleotideIndex === modificationPositionInUnbound
-                ? 'modif-letter'
-                : ''
-            "
-            :ref="
-              nucleotideIndex === modificationPositionInUnbound
-                ? 'modificationElement'
-                : ''
-            "
-            :class="[
-              nucleotideIndex === modificationPositionInUnbound &&
-                `fill-${getModificationColor(ModifType.Psi)}-600`
-            ]"
-            {{
-              nucleotideIndex === modificationPositionInUnbound
-                ? 'Ψ'
-                : nucleotide
-            }}
-          </tspan>
+            <tspan
+              v-if="nucleotideIndex === modificationPositionInUnbound"
+              ref="modificationElement"
+              :class="`fill-${getModificationColor(ModifType.Psi)}-600`"
+            >
+              {{
+                /* Wrapping the letter in "mustache" syntax here to prevent
+                    whitespace insertion around it */
+                'Ψ'
+              }}
+            </tspan>
+            <tspan v-else>
+              {{ nucleotide }}
+            </tspan>
+          </template>

From ac422726e95c9391fabd16eda7e0e0e8125b5824 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Julien Touchais <>
Date: Tue, 28 May 2024 14:35:48 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 3/3] fix(base-components): :bug: conditional ref not working
 in built app in link list

include every item in ref (hover enabling check is already done before setting up events)
 src/components/BaseLinkListCard.vue | 2 +-
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/src/components/BaseLinkListCard.vue b/src/components/BaseLinkListCard.vue
index 8c9c450..547b9ff 100644
--- a/src/components/BaseLinkListCard.vue
+++ b/src/components/BaseLinkListCard.vue
@@ -132,7 +132,7 @@ defineExpose({ scrollToListTop })
-            :ref="hoverEvent ? 'linkItemWrappers' : ''"
+            ref="linkItemWrappers"
               'grid p-2',