diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index d7994fcbc77ea543f96f187e1369c840af76c74c..6048b7e186c5bfa7f5992e2e89653bc2d8a10787 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -18,8 +18,8 @@ <!-- > comprehensive introduction. --> ## Getting started -A notebook to get started can be found -[HERE](https://github.com/PLN-team/pyPLNmodels/blob/main/Getting_started.ipynb). +[A notebook to get started can be found +here](https://github.com/PLN-team/pyPLNmodels/blob/main/Getting_started.ipynb). If you need just a quick view of the package, see the quickstart next. ## 🛠Installation @@ -48,8 +48,10 @@ Consider $\mathbf Y$ a count matrix (denoted as ```endog``` in the package) cons It is assumed that each individual $\mathbf Y_i$, that is the $i^{\text{th}}$ row of $\mathbf Y$, is independent from the others and follows a Poisson lognormal distribution: + $$\mathbf Y_{i}\sim \mathcal P(\exp(\mathbf Z_{i})), \quad \mathbf Z_i \sim \mathcal N(\mathbf o_i + \mathbf B ^{\top} \mathbf x_i, \mathbf \Sigma),$$ + where $\mathbf x_i \in \mathbb R^d$ (`exog`) and $\mathbf o_i \in \mathbb R^p$ (`offsets`) are user-specified covariates and offsets. The matrix $\mathbf B$ is a $d\times p$ matrix of regression coefficients and $\mathbf \Sigma$ is a $p\times p$